Wednesday 20 May 2020

Day One of School at Level Two

Day One of School at Level Two

This morning when I woke up, I felt super excited because I was going back to school after almost two months. I felt butterflies in my tummy. 

In no time I was ready for breakfast. The breakfast was yummy and it made my tummy even more rumbly because I had two boiled eggs. After breakfast, I quickly packed my lunch and water bottle and my school bag. Luckily, I remembered to charge my device last night.

When I turned around and looked at the clock, it was only seven o’clock. I had an hour and a half before I could see my friends and teachers again. I was so excited that I started saying my multiplication tables. My mum thought that I had gone crazy because I never ever said the multiplication tables so loudly at home.

As soon as it was twenty past eight, I took my bag and set off towards school. As I was walking out of the compound, my mum reminded me of social distancing and told me to sanitize my hands as well. I quickly put my hands in my pocket to see if the hand sanitizer was still in my pocket. The little bottle was sitting right in my pocket.

I could see the school gate in the distance and I started jogging. I felt that the school was running away from me. When I reached the gate, I was met by Ms. Card and Mrs. Patea.  I greeted them and I felt like giving them a hug but social distancing stopped me from doing that. They gave me some hand sanitizer and after I sanitized my hands, I walked to the class.

At the door of our class, I was met by my teacher who told us what the routine was. I had to sanitize my hand again and then I was directed to my learning space. Some of my friends were already there and  I was very excited to see them all. I greeted them and waited for the teacher to talk to us.

Our teacher talked to us about the new routines we have to follow in class and in school. Some of these routines were: Sanitise our hands when we enter or leave the classroom,  wash our hands with soap and water for twenty seconds and sing “happy birthday to me” while washing our hands, cough or sneeze in our elbows and stay an arm's length away from anyone while in school. He also told us to remain in our own learning space and not to walk around in the class.

At the end of the day, I felt tired because I sat for a long time and I am not used to sitting down for too long. I still felt excited even though I was tired because there was so much to talk about with my friends.  I can't wait to be back at school tomorrow.

By Genevieve


  1. Carter from Paroa school here.
    It sounds like you were really excited for schoolon the first day. We have some of the same sanatizing procedures and rules to follow at our school.

    Maybe you could post some intructional videos of how to do this.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Hey! Whats up Glenbrae?
    I can say I felt the exact same!
    See your friends again was a wonder!
    Love how much time and effort you put into this post!

  3. Hi my name is Jason from Paroa school.
    The is really good and It tell me a lot about you day at school.

    Your sincerely Jason.

  4. Hi Genevieve

    I really enjoyed reading your recount about your first day back at school. I am sure that some of the other students and teachers felt exactly the same at the end of the day. I like how you are getting to know our new routines at school and it is very hard to try to remember not to hug when you haven't seen someone for a long time. It was so nice to see your smiley face walk through the gates on a cold, crisp morning. Happy to have you and all our students at Glenbrae school back at school.

    Mrs Patea


We're moving!

Kia ora thanks for checking out our Class Blog This is our final post on this blog because we are moving! Check us out at our new blog here